Yesterday, I was at my nail salon when a Caucasian male entered selling Christian children's books. I immediately took one of the books from him and asked him what ministry was he with. He answered "Activated Ministries." My nail tech who is also a personal friend and the father of three month old twins stood up to leave and I asked him to look at the books. He stated that his children were too young. The man then stated that "those people always turn away from me." I responded "wow, be careful in your speech." He then stated that he can judge them based on the scripture- "judge not that you be not judged, for what measure you judge it shall be judged unto you." (Matt 7:1-2) He also said that he had been doing this for 30 years and he always had the same experience with "those people." I stood up and pulled him aside (there were four other customers present). I told him that I was very concerned with his approach. I informed him that if in fact my nail tech was unsaved, the Bible teaches that he was condemned and therefore he had no right to judge him. However, I knew that was not the case, he was saved and if he had no interest in buying his books, that should not be seen as a rejection of Christianity. I then went on to tell him that he absolutely needed to change his approach because it was impossible for him to know the "spiritual disposition" of anyone based on their actions. I also shared that he had no idea who he was speaking to. I told him that I too was a born again Christian, and a Seminary graduate and that I did not agree with his interpretation of the Scripture. I told him that the Scripture did not give him a "right" to judge anyone. That scripture is a dire warning not to judge. Jesus will judge the living and the dead and that "right" is reserved for Him and Him alone. I also told him that the example he should follow is the pattern of Paul, he preached that Gospel and did not get discouraged or judgmental if those who heard it would not receive it. He then apologized and thanked me for "checking" him. I then asked him if I could pray for him and he said yes. When I was finished he also prayed for me. We then hugged and then stepped outside the shop. I then asked my nail tech who was standing outside (smoking) to show the man his "cross" on his chain that he wore. I then shared with the man that two years ago after admiring the marble cross for over a year that my nail tech gave me one as a Christmas gift. The cross was made in North Vietnam just for me and brought back by a family member. I also shared with him that after two failed "in-vitro" attempts by my nail tech and his wife to have a baby, that I had asked his wife (who is Buddhist) to allow me to pray over her womb that God would make the next attempt successful. She agreed and allowed me to touch her and pray. My prayer was answered and they now have fraternal twins--a boy and a girl born February 2, 2010. My family was invited to eat with his family on the celebration of the one month birthday of the twins. I was introduced to his entire family as the woman who prayed to THE God of the Bible for the birth of the babies. I was so humbled by the warm reception of his family and the abundance of food that was prepared in honor of the birth of the babies and our presence. Mr. E. Williams (the man) had tears in his eyes after I had shared all of this with him. He asked if he could call me and I told he certainly could. He apologized again and then left. I did purchase two his books (one as a gift to the twins-"Jesus and Me"--one for my daughter "Dino's Tales" six stories on courtesy, obedience, healthy habits, manners, and forgiveness.)
First, I hope that in my sharing this incident with you that it is apparent how God moved in this situation. Be careful in your approach! Whether it is your daily living or an attempt to share Christ through the selling of Christian books, we must be careful in how we approach others. Second, I am thankful that the Holy Spirit had me in the right place at the right time to be used to show this one servant that after 30years, he still needed to be careful in his approach. Finally, never mis-use Scripture to justify anything that you do. Be careful in your approach!!!
Be Blessed.