This is the provocative question that my friend Pastor Michael Woods asked during a recent Sermon. In discerning your purpose in life, think about the grace of God that kept your mother from aborting you. We are all here for a purpose. If we consider the many experiences in our life that didn't end our lives--we would start to see that God allowed us to survive many things when others didn't. I don't believe that it was luck that allowed us to survive, because luck isn't a biblical concept. I believe in destiny. We are all destined to do something. The amount of time it takes for that "something" to come to fruition is determined by how soon we recognize our purpose. If we live each day allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our paths, then and only then can we truly say that our purpose is being lived out. God created us with "free-will" so he is not surprised when each day we rise only to ignore His will and put our will into play. How about that? What a wonderful God! I certainly appreciate that God would allows us to be ignorant by choice, but I am also thankful that He forgives that ignorance once we realize our mistakes. Hopefully as you consider what is your purpose, I pray that you will be assured, that what He has for you to do is just for you. Never try to live out anyone else's purpose. Be encouraged that God is able to help you discover and walk in your purpose. Pray today for discernment and listen for His voice, His answer, His calling..........
Proverbs 3:5-8 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding, In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight, Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and turn away from evil, It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.