Saturday, October 13, 2012

Love Conquers ALL

Love conquers ALL.  Love is more than just a feeling, it is a deep emotion that is developed over time. There are three exceptions in which love is immediate they are: 1) a mother or father---we love our children from the moment they are conceived--I know that I loved my children since they were in my womb. 2) Children love their parents from birth. 3) Acceptance of Christ as YOUR Savior.  If we know better then we must do better--therefore we should not love things that can be destroyed--ie. shoes, cars, houses or cellphones.  Be mindful of what Christ died for--PEOPLE--not the things we acquire. For God so loved MANKIND that He sent His Son on the Cross to die so that ALL who believe in Him would have eternal life. He did not die so that we can love acquired things or ask Him for these things so that He could prove HIS love for US.  Look around you at those that you love more than things and demonstrate your love by smiling more, talking more, hugging more, giving them flowers while they can smell them and by doing anything that will show your appreciation. God loves US and He demonstrated HIS love ALREADY by sacrificing HIS SON. I pray that you have a God blessed day.