Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fools for Christ Sake!!

Morning Devotion 1/24/2013 - 1Cor. 4:6-12 "FOOLS FOR CHRIST"- By: Rev. K. Nisbett

6. Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other. 7 For who makes you differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?  8 You are already full! You are already rich! You have reigned as kings without us--and indeed I could wish you did reign, that we also might reign with you! 9 For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death; for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men. 10 We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonored! 11 To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. 12 And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; 13 being defamed, we entreat. We have been made as the filth of the world, the off scouring of all things until now.

Paul had just finished saying, do not judge one man’s work in Christ over another—for God will be the judge.  Now he asked the Corinthian believers not focus on either Apollos or him. He wanted them to focus on the written word, think on the message not the messenger.  We too must learn to praise God, not the messenger.  The people at Corinth were believers who receiving all kinds of “words” from God.  Paul challenged them not to be puffed up or to think that one Apostle was better than the other.  He asked, what did you ask God for that you did not receive? It was as if to say---are you still looking to hear something "special" from an Apostle that you haven’t heard already from the written Word?  They were already blessed, what more did they want?  He said they were living like kings.  Some of us are already blessed, but we always want to hear that we will receive even more.  When is enough—enough?  We must learn to be content with what we have. Look around and see how blessed you are already----Don’t miss your blessings!!  Of course God can always give you more, but will you ever be satisfied?  Do you share your blessings or are you a hoarder? Have you ever tried to satisfy a child today?  It is never enough---no matter how much you give them, you can’t get them to do right.  No matter how much you do for them, you can’t get them to really appreciate what they have.  Well, some of us are just like children.  No matter how much God has already given to us-we are still not satisfied--when will we be satisfied?

Paul then brought their attention to the plight of an Apostle.  He said that God had placed them on display. Yet, some of them were condemned to death--made a spectacle to the world because of their faith in Christ…but He gloried in what was happening to them. He sounded a little sarcastic when he said "we are fools for Christ’s sake—but you are wise in Christ--we are seen as weak—but you are strong. You are distinguished but we are dishonored."   Brothers and sisters, if the only “ones” you “appreciate” or "listen to" are those who are seem to be “lifted up” for the world to see----and miss seeing the work of those in the trenches working for God who are viewed as “fools for Christ” you are probably missing a lot.   I love that Paul did not mind seeing himself as dishonored.  Although they were being mistreated by others, Paul was resolute to do what God had called him to do.  Although they were: “Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure, being defamed, we entreat”.  When God has called you to do something for HIS Glory—do not be weary in well doing.  Do not worry when you meet up with negativity---God is faithful and HE will keep you. May God bless each of you as the Word of God is lived out each day in our lives. Peace.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Updated Reflection on Inauguration of President

As I stood outside on the Mall and looked back at the over one million strong some who were waving American flags---here is what I was thinking about. In Feb. 2008, I was approached to campaign for Barack Obama--I said yes!! I began by contributing to his campaign, then I participated in registering citizens to vote by knocking on doors. I was surprised at the feedback of those who had not voted in years!!! Some were convicted felons who thought they could not vote and some had lost hope. If you didn't notice, this was before he was considered having a chance to beat Hillary Clinton, this was before all the blacks and Democrats in my home state of Georgia jumped on the OBAMA bandwagon, this was while many friends and family members were telling me "I was on the losing team". What I also remembered, was a "man" who spoke at the 2004 convention---and a "man" who moved everyone who heard him speak. He was then selected as the first African-American Senator in 2005. I was not surprised when he won the Democratic Nomination as some were--because I was in the trenches with Team Obama. I also was not surprised when he won in 2008 or 2012!! I was also one of the few "black" students at my Conservative Christian Seminary, who didn't mind saying publicly that we were voting for him. I encountered many "blacks" who said they couldn't vote for him and I respected their "choice" then and I still respect the opinion of those who didn't vote for him for various reasons including his recent support for gay marriage. When I wrote an email to one of my African-American Professors a few months before the election in 2008, explaining why I was voting for our President Obama, he asked if he could share it with all of his colleagues, friends and family members--and to protect the possible backlash he removed my name. In that email, I didn't mention once that the reason I was voting for him was because he was black. I did mention that I disagreed with his views on issues of abortion, gay rights, etc. I didn't mention that I expected him to ride in on a white horse, wave a magic wand and eradicate every problem in America. What I did state was that based on his choice to serve others through community organization in Chicago, love for his family, his sense of leadership, his intellect, and his ability to inspire others, he was the better candidate. I also wrote then that Barack Obama would become the President to a diverse America, an America made up of various faiths, cultures and races. I was not voting for him to be my Savoir---Jesus has that title and HONOR!!! I also wrote that the American economy had been run into the ground by Republican administrations and a Democrat was needed to clean the mess up and save America!! I then reflected on those closest to me in the crowd yesterday: Three white young adults from Chicago, a black man with his white wife from Tennessee, a black couple from California, two black identical twin sisters, my guest for the day Ms. Harley from the Virgin Islands and my husband and daughter. All of us interacted with each other as though we were family. We smiled and celebrated the momentous occasion. We knew that we were once again witnessing history--for to have him elected once could be seen as pure chance but twice is indeed a miracle. Finally, as I end my reflection, I must state that although I still do NOT agree with some of the political views of our President, there has been no greater supporter of him than I. Although, I am truly proud to be an American, my Christian faith in GOD dictates that while I may be "governed" by the U.S. Constitution, I live according to the WORDS of Scripture found in the Holy Bible. God does not change the Bible like men change the Constitution. Whenever the two conflict, I will ALWAYS follow the BIBLE. Jesus stated in Matt. 10:28 "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell". I will not change because America changes. God does not change HIS mind concerning what HE deems to be SIN. God has always given each individual the right to choose--but we do not get to choose the consequences of our choice! God will be the JUDGE of OUR CHOICES. Even becoming a Christian is a CHOICE. Having an abortion is a Choice. Loving who YOU want has always been a CHOICE. Homosexuality or any kind of sexual immorality is SIN in God's eyes, but God allows us to do whatever we want to do---it is called FREEWILL. HE will however show us MERCY if we ask HIM to forgive us for SIN. But we can never believe that HE NOW accepts our SIN--If that were true then CHRIST did NOT need to DIE for our SINS. HE wants US to obey HIS WORD if WE LOVE HIM. God's MERCY affords--Salvation, hope instead of fear, peace instead of turmoil, and love instead of hate. As we support the President, let us remember that his "appointment" is only temporary, but GOD IS ETERNAL....GOD is the LEADER that we must choose to follow---for it is HE who sent HIS son to die, so that all who believe in HIM will be saved. May God continue to bless all of YOU! Peace.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Reflection on Presidential Inauguration 2013

I thank God for all who prayed for me and my family for traveling mercies--we arrived back home safely!!  I would also like to this opportunity to share with some of you my reflections.  As I stood outside on the Mall, in the gold ticketed area and looked back at the over one million strong some who were waving American flags---here is what I was thinking about.  In Feb. 2008, I was approached to campaign for Barack Obama--I said yes!! I began by contributing to his campaign, then I participated in registering citizens by knocking on doors.  I was surprised at the feedback of those who had not voted in years!!! Some were convicted felons who thought they could not vote.  If you didn't notice, this was before he was considered having a chance to beat Hillary Clinton, this was before all the blacks and Democrats in my home state of Georgia jumped on the OBAMA bandwagon, this was while many friends and family members were telling me "I was on the losing team".  What I remembered, was a "man" who spoke at the 2004 convention---and a "man" who moved everyone who heard him speak.  He was then selected as the first African-American Senator in 2005.  I was not surprised when he won the Democratic Nomination as some were--because I was in the trenches with Team Obama.  I also was not surprised when he won in 2008 or 2012!!  I was one of the few "black" students at my Conservative Christian Seminary who didn't mind saying publicly that we were voting for him.  I encountered many "blacks" who said they couldn't vote for him and I respected their "choice" then and I still respect the opinion of those who still can't vote for him for various reasons.  When I wrote an email to one of my African-American Professors a few months before the election in 2008, explaining why I was voting for our President Obama he asked if he could share it with all of his colleagues, friends and families and to protect the possible backlash he removed my name. In that email, I didn't mention once that it was because he was black, I did mention that I disagreed with his views on issues of abortion, gay rights, etc. I didn't mention once that I expected him to ride in on a white horse, wave a magic wand and eradicate every problem in America.  What I did state was that based on his choice to serve others through community organization in Chicago, love for his family, his sense of leadership, his intellect, and his ability to inspire others he was the better candidate.  I also wrote then that Barack Obama would become the President to a diverse America, an America made up of various faiths, cultures and races. I was not voting for him to be my Savoir---Jesus has that title and HONOR!!!  I also wrote that the American economy had been run into the ground by Republican administrations and a Democrat was needed to clean the mess up and save America!!  I then reflected on those closest to me in the crowd yesterday: Three white young adults from Chicago, a black man with his white wife from Tennessee, a couple who came from California, two black identical twin sisters, my guest for the day Ms. Harley from the Virgin Islands and my husband and daughter.  All of us interacted with each other as though we were family.  We smiled and celebrated the momentous occasion.  We knew that we were once again witnessing history--for to have him elected once could be seen as pure chance but twice is indeed a miracle.  Finally, as I end my reflection, I must state that I do NOT agree with some of the political views of our President, but there has been no greater supporter of him than I.  While I am truly proud to be an American, my Christian faith in GOD dictates that I although I am "governed" by the U.S. Constitution, I live according to the WORDS of Scripture.  God does not change the Bible like men change the Constitution. Whenever the two conflict, I will ALWAYS follow the BIBLE.  Jesus stated in Matt. 10:28 "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell". I will not change because America changes.....God does not change HIS mind concerning what HE deems to be SIN. I KNOW what God's mercy affords--Salvation, hope instead of fear, peace instead of turmoil, and love instead of hate.  As we support the President, let us remember that his "appointment" is only temporary but GOD IS ETERNAL....GOD is the LEADER that we must follow---for it is HE who sent HIS son to die so that all who believe in HIM will be saved.  May God continue to bless all of YOU!  Peace.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Have you ever gotten a message from your Anti-virus Protection(hope you have one?) that said, "Norton detected a problem with the website you were about to visit and it was blocked". This is similar to God's protection. God knows what is bad for us and He sometimes steps in and blocks us from going places that we don't need to go or blocks things that we want to do. He is also working in the background, protecting us from things that we will never ever know! God is however better than "Norton" because we don't have to "pay" for a renewal every year. The ONLY renewal that God requires--is a daily renewal of OUR MINDS. Each day I thank Him for waking me up, clothed in my right mind, and with a reasonable portion of health and strength. I thank Him for His protection throughout the night. I read His revelation to all of mankind--THE HOLY BIBLE. I pray for myself, my family, my friends, and those that HE allows me to come into contact with personally and those who HE places in my spirit. I give the Holy Spirit permission to guide and direct my path for this day, then I ask Him to use ME for HIS GLORY. My purpose for living is to encourage YOU---AND If God is REAL in YOUR life I pray that YOU find yourself doing the same. Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year--New Possibilities!!!

This is 2013!! I am truly happy to be still here.  Still able to work for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Do I have concerns? Sure I DO!! Who doesn't? But my concerns are just that, concerns--they do not cause me to worry or stay up late at night.  I thank God for his grace and peace.  It is that peace that allows me to press on regardless of my concerns.  I believe that all of us need to be aware that we will always have concerns, but it is how we choose to deal with them that will either give us peace or cause us to worry.  Stand firm today and know that God is able to keep you and strengthen you as you journey on!!  God is faithful and TRUE.  In 2013, keep your mind focused on your journey.  So many of us spend time watching others and no time on focusing on the steps needed to accomplish our own tasks.  Can you imagine what is possible for you in this new year?  1 Cor. 2:9 states that "Eye has not seen, not ears heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things God has prepared for those that love HIM." May God bless you to have a successful year!!!