Monday, March 16, 2015

Make up your Mind

Hello Friends:

I have not posted since last September!!!  I made up my mind, that if I didn't have anything "worthy" to say---that I wouldn't say anything at all.  Now I have made up my mind not to be quiet any more.  This does not mean that I will have to comment on any and everything, but there is so much to talk about and write about.  I have made up my mind that the "job" that I have been looking for is NOT out there--it is within me!!!  The WORD of God has been implanted in me and I can't help but share it.  My "job" is to proclaim HIS Word in any and every forum available to me.  There is no other job out there that could possibly leave me fulfilled and at the same time give encouragement to others.  I praise God for the time that I took to be quiet and to hear from HIM.   

Is there anything that you have "MADE UP YOU MIND" to do?