I know there are many who will not read this entire post--but to those who will--thank you in advance. For those of you who may not know it---I am an Ordained Minister--(licensed)--and have been in ministry since 2003. I have served (without pay) as an Associate Minister at two different churches while earning two degrees from Seminary. After much prayer, I stepped down from full-time Ministry in December 2009. In Aug. 2012, I began a Prayerline--held each week day morning from 6-6:30 a.m. I decided to make myself available anyone who had a phone line from where ever they were. During the call we pray and then have devotion from Scripture. I share all of this to say--TODAY during our Devotion that God made it clear to me that every decision that I have made with His guidance was a blessing and for His purpose!! For many years I have been saying that there are too many people claiming Christianity and have never MET Christ. For to claim to be a Christian is the MOST important thing you can claim.
Here is the Scripture that we were read then the Testimony. Phil. 1:21-24 -- For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. 24 But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account.
Now the Testimony---As I was studying this text of Scripture I reflected on those around me who have never understood my walk. They have asked me--what do you do for money? They sometimes say "I couldn't do what you do". Let me tell you what I understand this text to say. A Christian lives his or her life understanding that every day we must be so thankful to God that we are purposeful in all that we do. We should understand that when a Christian dies---we gain because we will be with Christ. Christ being with us/in us--In life or being with Christ after death--A Christian WINS. There is no loss. During the last 7 years of my life since I quit my job and decided to TRUST in God--all of my needs have been met and many of my wants. Here is my observation--MONEY has a way of corrupting good people. They spend every day thinking of ways to make money. They buy into to ideas such as "you must have multiple streams of income" to be successful. Some have gotten success and riches only to discover that they have no peace. Some may say--"but you have a husband who works so you can afford to quit your job". Did you know that my husband is an independent Autobody repairman? He goes to work everyday at 6:30 a.m. not knowing if he will make a dollar--he is not on salary. Our secret is that we pray together everyday and ask God to meet our needs and every week HE has and DOES!!! So, I chose and still choose to live with what I have---which is so much more than MONEY. I chose and still choose to LABOR for the Lord and to be totally convinced that when I die, my gain will be--to be with CHRIST. I will continue to look for opportunities to bless those who have less than I do. I choose to surrender my body as a living sacrifice. I thank God for my daily bread and I have no plans to stress about tomorrow. What I also know for sure today is that IN CHRIST and CHRIST alone that my today is sure and my future is certain----no matter what the future holds and in death I get to be with CHRIST. I hope that if you are a Christian this blessed you and if you are not a Christian---today is a great day to become one. If you would like to join us as we daily thank God for our lives each morning call 805-399-1000. 147947# Be blessed. In His Service, Koralee Nisbett
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